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Why Help Desks and Live Chat Are Essential To Online Business

Did you know that if you’re not providing your online customers and prospects with an online customer service option on your website you’re leaving money on the table? I’m not talking about a 1-800 number, email support, or even an elaborate knowledge base system. (Actually most of those options do more harm than good… when it comes to boosting sales.)

The simple fact is that when your online customers and prospects have a questions they want quick answers, without having to leave your website. They want quick answers right then and there, PERIOD!

They don’t want to…

… they want quick answers right there on your website from the exact page that they are on. Online is all about accessibility and how close you stay in touch with your customers and prospects.

Remember your website is your storefront to the world it is open 24/7 and it represents who you are. It’s important! But how do you provide live online support without getting absolutely slammed with messages? How do you as a small business compete with the big dogs in your industry that have seemingly unlimited staff and money to manage “all those incoming questions”?

Should you even try?

…well the answer is clear and may be a little scary…

82% of consumers said they’ve stopped doing business with a company due to a poor customer service experience.

55% said a company’s failure to resolve their problems in a timely manner drove them away.

And 85% of consumers say they would pay 5% to 25% more to ensure a superior customer experience.

Bottom Line: If your not providing great customer support you’re losing customers and potential business! But where do you even start? Here’s the secret… it’s all in the technology! There is a little known technological breakthrough, that up until this point, has only been utilized by the top online retailers to manage their large volume of customer support inquiries. It’s called Smart Query Technology. And it is amazing!

This smart technology can actually reduce the amount of messages that you have to answer in your day by as much as 80% without sacrificing quality of support. This gives you a huge competitive edge!

…and your customer always gets a quick actuate answer, whether you answer the question yourself, or whether the system does automatically on your behalf.

This breakthrough technology is not only smart for your customers it is smart for business! And here’s the great part about it is now it’s affordable and really easy to use and integrate with your website. In fact you can be up and running in less then 60 seconds from the time you click this link!

I’m not kidding…

Click here see how you can implement this powerful app into your website in less then 60 seconds. Trust me you don’t want to miss out on this game changing customer service technology!

Go check it out now! With the right online customer service software your business can thrive on the internet.


The One-To-Many Customer Service Model: Leverage Your Time and Experience

If you run an online ecommerce store watch this video and find out how to boost sales while lowering your cost by simply running your business more efficiently.

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Convert Website Visitors Into Leads, Build Trust Through Online Customer Service And Then Convert Them Into Sales… All Automatically!

Have you ever asked yourself how does your current sales funnel interact with your prospects? If it’s like most sales funnels out there it is simply a process of pushing information about your company, product or service to your market. The problem with this approach is that online consumers are demanding more these days. They […]

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Increase Online Sales –Put Your Best Face Forward With Outstanding Online Customer Service

It always surprises me that online customer service is often times the afterthought of many businesses, Something they to throw in at the last minute to cut down on customer complaints, returns and bad PR. But if you want to increase your sales, you need to look at the main ingredients that make up a […]

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Generating Qualified Leads and Sales Through Your Online Customer Service

Did you know that great customer service is actually an essential part of any good sales funnel? It can actually convert cold traffic into qualified leads and buyers, faster than even a carefully scripted sales message can. Why? Because before anyone subscribes, buys, or signs up for your product or service they need some basic […]

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