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Small Businesses And The Challenge Of Training

A constantly moving target

In business, as in everything else, change is the only thing that stays constant. Even the best processes in many areas often grow obsolete with time. A company with a reputation for stellar customer service may find that a competitor has upped the game by answering all queries within half an hour.

Your customer service team may be operating with guidelines that were once sufficient, but are now inadequate for more tech-savvy customers.

Upgrading of Skills, a key challenge

Training and upgrading of skills and processes is a major challenge for small businesses as owners struggle to allot their time over different functions. Sometimes, even identifying the areas where training is needed is difficult. Businesses need to keep a constant lookout for what others in the industry are doing as well as for best practices from other industries that they could use.

Keeping up with the game

When it comes to customer service, this means constantly checking to see whether customer expectations are being met. If there are issues in some areas, the causes need to be identified. (Slow loading website? Too many repetitive queries? Poor attitude? Language issues with overseas customers? Poor responses from CSRs?)

Based on this analysis, there will need to be some investment in training and upgrading. While small businesses may worry about the cost of such initiatives, such a proactive attitude is the only way to ensure that your customers stay delighted and stay with you.

The One-To-Many Customer Service Model: Leverage Your Time and Experience

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