Cost-Center or Route to Profit?
Customer service is mostly viewed as cost head by most businesses. While paying lip service to customer service, secretly marketers dread the additional investments that need to be made and the processes that need to be changed. (more…)
The silent and unhappy Customer
James Heavey, the CEO of Respond, reveals some research that is definitely food for thought. Only 4% of the customers who reported a poor experience with a company ever complained! 96% of customers simply did not bother to tell the company. (more…)
Is cost-effective service a mirage?
Companies across different industries struggle to meet twin objectives that often seem at odds with each other. Customers want better service, while management dictates cost control. Are the two impossible to reconcile? (more…)
The Tent pole of Business
James Gaskin of NetworkWorld says, “Although parts of technology are broken here and there, technology has become the tent pole holding up every business today. Unfortunately, sometimes we spend so much time struggling to keep the tent pole working properly, we forget to enjoy the tent”. (more…)
Why Feedback is essential
Research has revealed that many companies rate their customer service higher than what customers actually rate them! Such overconfidence can be disastrous. To avoid this situation, gaining customer feedback is essential. (more…)
When you are just not available
No matter how efficient your customer support team and system, there will always be a time when nobody is available to answer a query. What customers hate about this situation is that rarely will anyone get back to them quickly, if a resource is not available immediately. (more…)
The end of Marketing as we know it
In 1950s, there was little leisure time. When television became popular, content was scarce, but people spent the little leisure time they had to watch those programs. Since then, we’ve come full circle. (more…)
What do your FAQs do?
Chances are you have an FAQ section on your website. What does it really do?
Most companies view FAQs as a stand-alone element on their website. FAQs are rarely updated nor are they usually integrated with customer queries. They can however be used much more effectively. (more…)
A completely novel solution
Every business is different; the customers in every industry are different. What works in one situation may not in another. Sometimes, businesses may have go in for a completely novel solution – if that is what will meet the needs of customers. (more…)
The Fear of Technology
Small business owners, especially those who started working before the internet explosion, sometimes fear that time and money spent on technology is resources being taken away from ‘core’ business areas such as design, production or sales.
Technology evangelists on the other hand, claim it as the solution to all ills. Where is the truth? (more…)