Every company is in business to serve people at the end of the day. But almost companies have a common frustration with their customers. Customers have questions all the time and the majority of them being the same types of questions (Frequently Asked Questions). The frustrating thing about FAQs is that you need to answer them with the same passion and expertise as you did the first time you got the question. This is hard to do day in and day out. (more…)

Quite a few people ask me what is the difference between email and ResponseQue and does one replace the other. This is a great question and I want to take a moment to set the record straight.

First off, ResponseQue is a customer service solution for your company website. It functions completely different then email does. See while email is a great communication tool that you can use with your friends and associates, it is not a good idea to publish it to a website for a few reasons… (more…)

Why is it that some small businesses can grow into huge companies and other stay well… small? What is the secret that innovative companies sprinting to the top of their market all seem to know? (more…)

Did you know that the turnover rate for a dedicated customer service agent is around 30% and experts in the industry all agree that this number will only increase in the coming years.

While there are many factors why this field has such a high turn overate, the top reason by far is simply that agents get quickly burned out dealing with the same issues and answering the same questions time and time again. (more…)

Providing great customer service is critical when it comes to customer retention. People only want to do business with people they like and trust and one of the best ways you can achieve that is by providing great customer service and by being available to them on-demand whenever they need help. (more…)

So how does online customer service affect your sales?

Every day people visit your website to see what you have to offer and many of them have questions regarding your products or services. These are often really simple questions and many of them are actually the same questions or very similar. (more…)

Brand awareness, is one area, that’s wildly overlooked by many small businesses. Even if you operate in a niche market, in order to grow and expand you need to build some type of brand. Especially when it comes to the internet, as a business, your brand is paramount and you do need to pay attention to it, or you will miss out. In this day in age information about your company, product or service gets instantly shared, posted and broadcasted out to the world in literally a blink of an eye. (more…)

The fact of the matter is if you’re not providing great online support to your customers and prospects you’re losing business! See every day thousands of prospects visit your website to see what you have to offer. Many of these visitors have questions regarding your products or services. With constant exposure to the world, incoming questions can easily overwhelm you and your team. If questions are left unanswered, or not answered in a timely manner, many potential customers will become frustrated and leave your website without making a purchase. (more…)

Your website is your storefront to the world, it is open 24/7 and it represents who you are. Providing great online customer service is important!

ResponseQue is a simple web app that installs on your website and can literally change the way you do business and give you the flexibility to offer online customer service without the fear of being overwhelmed by a mass amount incoming messages. (more…)

Did you know that if you’re not providing your online customers and prospects with an online customer service option on your website you’re leaving money on the table? I’m not talking about a 1-800 number, email support, or even an elaborate knowledge base system. (Actually most of those options do more harm than good… when it comes to boosting sales.) (more…)

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